Another Doctor for “Gunsense” giving bad medical advice

I came across a couple tweets this morning that really astounded me: This is bad.  REALLY bad, because Tran is an actual medical doctor, and she's dispensing advice that is not only counterfactual, but will cause harm to people. Dr. Tran is a pediatrician.  She should know that hearing damage is permanent & cumulative.  … Continue reading Another Doctor for “Gunsense” giving bad medical advice

Let’s talk about silencers & how the “gun safety” movement is a lie.

Silencers are in the news, with all manner of breathless fear mongering coming from various outlets.  Why? The Sportsmen's Heritage  Recreational and Enhancement Act of 2017 (SHARE) passed through committee (on a straight party-line vote, naturally) and has been forwarded to the House of Representatives.  Attached to it is the Hearing Protection Act, which (if successful) will … Continue reading Let’s talk about silencers & how the “gun safety” movement is a lie.