Rational people can change their minds

James Wright's article about how he was wrong about gun control and why it is doomed to failure, from the 90's.  The years change, but the song remains the same: Second thoughts about guncontrol by JAMES D. WRIGHT (mirror here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121234447/https://www.nationalaffairs.com/storage/app/uploads/public/58e/1a4/dde/58e1a4dde8725999536402.pdf )

Pro-click: “The Political Philosophy Of Guns – Would America Really Be A Better Society Without Them?”

Came across this last night: America’s decades long national argument about gun control is not a normal political debate about addressing policy to problems but about what kind of politics to have. It is fundamentally about how citizens should relate to each other and the state, and that makes it a matter of political philosophy, … Continue reading Pro-click: “The Political Philosophy Of Guns – Would America Really Be A Better Society Without Them?”

WSJ drops a Truth Bomb: The Progressive Gun-Control Charade: “After tragedy, politicians glibly call for unworkable reforms—then blame the ‘gun lobby’ when they fail.”

I came across an article in the WSJ today that succinctly summed up the gun control situation in American politics. It’s notable how much the rhetoric has changed since the peak of the national gun-ban movement, when politicians talked honestly about reducing violence by constricting the gun supply—and what that would require. In a 1989 … Continue reading WSJ drops a Truth Bomb: The Progressive Gun-Control Charade: “After tragedy, politicians glibly call for unworkable reforms—then blame the ‘gun lobby’ when they fail.”

From TheFederalist: “14 Things Everyone Should Understand About Guns”

The Federalist posted a great article highlighting just how little "journalists" know about firearms despite pontificating on how laws must be changed: Guns can be dangerous in the wrong hands. But so are articles about guns written by people who don’t understand anything about them. There’s sadly no excuse to be ignorant about firearms. They’ve been … Continue reading From TheFederalist: “14 Things Everyone Should Understand About Guns”

Street Robberies and You, a classic from ARFCOM

Valuable insight from a long time LEO, posted in 2012 on AR15.com: The Enemy Some may object to me calling hold up men "the enemy". You can call them whatever you like. I can assure you however they are as deadly an enemy as you will find anywhere but the battlefield. Even many soldiers probably … Continue reading Street Robberies and You, a classic from ARFCOM

The next time someone tells you that owning a firearm should require regular mental evaluations, show them this – “VA psychiatrist tells Facebook user to ‘off yourself’”

Do no harm - The Hippocratic Oath Social media has been abuzz in the firearms community when someone screen captured a psychiatrist telling someone to kill themselves during a conversation about firearms. I wish I was joking about this.  Dr Gregg Gorton isn't just some mental health counselor.  He's a psychiatrist. What's even worse is that he … Continue reading The next time someone tells you that owning a firearm should require regular mental evaluations, show them this – “VA psychiatrist tells Facebook user to ‘off yourself’”

Larry Correia on ignorant people talking about how the US military would steamroller US citizens

I'm a big fan of Larry Correia's fiction, and the guy is dead on when it comes to firearms laws & related politics.   He posted the following on his facebook page today, and it bears repeating given the number of mouth breathing idiots I've seen repeating "The US Army has DRONES!" ad nauseam. I've … Continue reading Larry Correia on ignorant people talking about how the US military would steamroller US citizens

Keeping a low profile is part of avoiding trouble: “Two charged in theft of guns” after they targeted vehicles with pro gun stickers

Carrying a gun is a lifestyle choice.  Part of that lifestyle is being aware of your surroundings and understanding what's going on around you. Every advantage that you give to the bad guys is an opportunity for them to put you, or someone else, into the grave.  These gun owners put their pride ahead of … Continue reading Keeping a low profile is part of avoiding trouble: “Two charged in theft of guns” after they targeted vehicles with pro gun stickers